
Archive for December, 2005

What are the best development books?

December 29, 2005 Leave a comment
Picked up a thread on the MSDN blogs here. It is definitely Worth a read.
The book list summarized:
I should spend some time to update my favourites list with the great books from this list. 

Sl No. Title Author Publisher
1 Writing Solid Code: Microsoft’s Techniques for Developing Bug-Free C Programs Steve Maguire Microsoft Press
2 "Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction , Second Edition " Steve McConnell Microsoft Press
3 The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master "Andrew Hunt, David Thomas" Addison-Wesley Professional
4 How Would You Move Mount Fuji? Microsoft’s Cult of the Puzzle – How the World’s Smartest Company Selects the Most Creative Thinkers William Poundstone "Little, Brown"
5 Programming .NET Components Juval Lowy O’Reilly
6 Rapid Development Steve McConnell Microsoft Press
7 The Career Programmer: Guerilla Tactics for an Imperfect World Christopher Duncan Apress
8 .NET-A Complete Development Cycle "Gunther Lenz, Thomas Moeller" Addison-Wesley Professional
9 Practical Software Engineering : Analysis and Design for the .NET Platform Enricos Manassis Addison-Wesley Professional
10 "Software Requirements, Second Edition " Karl E. Wiegers Microsoft Press
11 Coder to Developer: Tools and Strategies for Delivering Your Software Mike Gunderloy Sybex
12 Writing Effective Use Cases Alistair Cockburn Addison-Wesley Professional
13 Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code "Martin Fowler, Kent Beck, John Brant, William Opdyke, Don Roberts " Addison-Wesley Professional
14 Test-Driven Development in Microsoft .NET "James W. Newkirk, Alexei A. Vorontsov" Microsoft Press
15 Programming Interviews Exposed: Secrets to Landing Your Next Job "John Mongan, Noah Suojanen" Wiley
16 "Peopleware : Productive Projects and Teams, 2nd Edition" "Tom Demarco, Timothy Lister " Dorset House
17 Dynamics of Software Development Jim McCarthy Microsoft Press
18 Clouds to Code Jesse Liberty Peer Information
19 "Writing Secure Code, Second Edition" "Michael Howard, David C. LeBlanc" Microsoft Press
20 Applied Microsoft .NET Framework Programming Jeffrey Richter Microsoft Press
21 Programming Microsoft .NET Jeff Prosise Microsoft Press
22 Effective Java Programming Language Guide Joshua Bloch Addison-Wesley Professional
23 Debugging by Thinking : A Multidisciplinary Approach (HP Technologies) Robert Charles Metzger Digital Press
24 Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software "Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides " Addison-Wesley Professional
25 Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture Martin Fowler Addison-Wesley Professional
26 Debugging Applications for Microsoft .NET and Microsoft Windows John Robbins Microsoft Press
27 Programming Applications for Microsoft Windows Jeffrey Richter Microsoft Press
28 Programming Server-Side Applications for Microsoft Windows 2000 "Jeffrey Richter, Jason D. Clark " Microsoft Press
29 "Inside Microsoft Windows 2000, Third Edition" "David A. Solomon, Mark E. Russinovich " Microsoft Press
30 "Programming Windows, Fifth Edition " Charles Petzold Microsoft Press
31 Transactional COM+: Building Scalable Applications Tim Ewald Addison-Wesley Professional
32 "Debugging the Development Process: Practical Strategies for Staying Focused, Hitting Ship Dates, and Building Solid Teams " Steve Maguire Microsoft Press
33 Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change William Bridges Perseus Books Group
34 Software for Your Head: Core Protocols for Creating and Maintaining Shared Vision "Jim McCarthy, Michele McCarthy " Addison-Wesley Professional
35 "Programming Pearls, 2nd Edition" Jon Bentley Addison-Wesley Professional
36 How to Break Software: A Practical Guide to Testing James A. Whittaker Addison Wesley
37 The Inmates Are Running the Asylum : Why High Tech Products Drive Us Crazy and How To Restore The Sanity Alan Cooper Sams
38 "Enterprise Development with Visual Studio .NET, UML, and MSF " "John Erik Hansen, Carsten Thomsen " Apress
39 Practical Software Requirements: A Manual of Content and Style Benjamin L. Kovitz Manning Publications
40 The Guru’s Guide to Transact-SQL Ken Henderson Addison-Wesley Professional
41 "Unified Modeling Language User Guide, The, 2nd Edition" "Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson" Addison-Wesley Professional
42 Thinking Like An Entrepreneur: How To Make Intelligent Business Decisions That Will Lead To Success In Building And Growing Your Own Company Peter I. Hupalo HCM Publishing
43 Software Project Survival Guide Steve C McConnell Microsoft Press
44 Advanced .NET Remoting Ingo Rammer Apress
45 Waltzing With Bears: Managing Risk on Software Projects "Tom Demarco, Timothy Lister " Dorset House
46 Peer Reviews in Software: A Practical Guide Karl E. Wiegers Addison-Wesley Professional
47 "Professional Software Development: Shorter Schedules, Higher Quality Products, More Successful Projects, Enhanced Careers " Steve McConnell Addison-Wesley Professional

So many books to read, Hmmm…

Categories: Great Links

Microsoft EMEA Architect Workshop Presentations

December 28, 2005 Leave a comment
You can download the prestations from Microsoft EMEA Architect Workshop here
Great presentations
Categories: Great Links

‘Boxing’ and Unboxing

December 28, 2005 1 comment

‘Boxing’ and Unboxing


Boxing is the mechanism by which a value type is converted to a reference type.  


What happens during boxing?

  •       Memory is allocated from the managed heap. The amount of memory allocated is the size the value type requires plus any additional overhead to consider this value type to be a true object. The additional overhead includes a method table pointer and a SyncBlockIndex.
  •       The value type’s fields are copied to the newly allocated heap memory.
  •       The address of the object is returned. This address is now a reference to an object; the value type is now a reference type.


‘Unbox’ing is the mechanism by which you get a pointer to raw value type (data fields) contained within a reference type. A unbox IL instruction doesn’t copy the fields to the value type.  So an unbox will typically be followed by a copy.


What happens during ‘Unbox’ing?


  •       If the reference is null, a NullReferenceException is thrown.
  •       If the reference doesn’t refer to an object that is a boxed value of the desired value type, an InvalidCastException exception is thrown.
  •       A pointer to the value type contained inside the object is returned. The value type that this pointer refers to doesn’t know anything about the usual overhead associated with a true object: a method table pointer and a SyncBlockIndex. In effect, the pointer refers to the unboxed portion in the boxed object.


Let’s say that in a piece of code you want to grab the first element out of the ArrayList:

Point p = (Point) a[0];


Here you’re taking the reference (or pointer) contained in element 0 of the ArrayList and trying to put it into a Point value type, p. For this to work, all the fields contained in the boxed Point object must be copied into the value type variable, p, which is on the thread’s stack. The CLR accomplishes this copying in two steps. First the address of the Point fields in the boxed Point object is obtained. This process is called ‘Unbox’ing. Then the values of these fields are copied from the heap to the stack-base value type instance.


‘Unbox’ing is not the exact opposite of ‘box’ing. The ‘Unbox’ing operation is much less costly than ‘box’ing. ‘Unbox’ing is really just the operation of obtaining a pointer to the raw value type (data fields) contained within an object. So, unlike ‘box’ing, ‘Unbox’ing doesn’t involve the copying of any bytes in memory. However, an ‘Unbox’ing operation is typically followed by copying the fields, making these two operations the exact opposite of a ‘box’ing operation.


A scenario

Assume we have a value type:

public class ComplexNumber


            private double real;

            private double imaginary;

            public double Real


                        get { return real; }

                        set { real = value; }


            public double Imaginary


                        get { return real; }

                        set { imaginary = value; }



            public override void ToString()


                        return   string.Format(“({0} + i{1})”, real, imaginary);




public class Program


            public static void Main()


                        ComplexNumber c = new ComplexNumber();

                        c.Real = 1;

                        c.Imaginary = 2;


                        Type t = c.GetType();




How many ‘box’ing operations occur in the above code?

The ToString call doesn’t result in a box instruction. The GetType call results in a box instruction. Since the ComplexNumber provides an implementation to ToString and it cannot be overridden (complex number being a value type) the compiler makes a non virtual dispatch. Thus it doesn’t result in a box instruction.

The Complexnumber doesn’t provide and implementation for GetType and it is inherited from System.ValueType. To call this we need the MethodTable pointer and hence there is a box instruction.

Categories: .NET Framework

Pass by Value vs. Pass by Reference

December 27, 2005 2 comments

Pass by Value vs. Pass by Reference

Update:Fixed some errors pointed to by Manu.

I am sure we all know what it means to pass a parameter by value and by reference. Let us see an example of this, all I am trying to do is add another dimension to this – namely value types and reference types. 

Scenario 1:

public class Person


            private string name;

            private int age;


            public string Name


                        get { return name; }

                        set { name = value; }



            public int Age


                        get { return age; }

                        set { age = value }




public class Program


            public static void Main()


                        Persona p = new Person();

                        p.Name = “Sendhil”;

                        p.Age = 28;


                        // What is the value of p.Age


            private static DoSomething(Person p)


                        p.Age = 29;



In this scenario, we have a reference type passed by value. Will the caller (Program.Main in our case) reflect the changes made to the parameter (Person instance p in our case) in the Callee (Program.DoSomething in our case)? The answer is yes.  What is the meaning of passing by reference for a reference type then? Let us see another scenario

Scenario 2:

public class Program


            public static void Main()


                        Persona p = new Person();

                        p.Name = “Sendhil”;

                        p.Age = 28;

                        DoSomething(ref p);

                        // What is the value of p


            private static DoSomething(ref Person p)


                        p = new Person();

                        p.Name = “Sachin”;

                        p.Age = 29;




What will be the value of p.Age in this case. The new call in the callee is local to the callee and is lost when the method returns. When we need the ability to assign a new instance to a reference type we need to pass it by reference.

 To conclude

When we pass a parameter by reference a pointer to the actual value is passed rather the actual value. In case of reference types passed by value the object handle gets passed (scenario 1) and in case of reference types passed by reference a pointer to the handle gets passed (scenario 2). Thus when you pass a reference type by reference you can reinitialize the handle and the caller gets affected.

Categories: .NET Framework

Value Types and Reference Types

December 27, 2005 3 comments

Value Types and Reference Types

Value Types

Value types have value semantics, meaning what you have is the value.

int i = 3; means the value of 3 is stored in the variable i.  Examples of value types include in built data types like int, double, float, datetime etc (barring string, delegate). Examples user-defined value types include enums and structures. All value types inherit from System.ValueType either directly or indirectly. Value types are sealed by default, you cannot inherit a value type from another value type. Value type methods cannot be virtual or abstract. Value types cannot have finalizers. Value types cannot have a user-defined default constructor.


Reference Types

Reference types store a reference to the actual value.  For example

public class Person


            private string name;

            private int age;


            public string Name


                        get { return name; }

                        set { name = value; }



            public int Age


                        get { return age; }

                        set { age = value }




public class Program


            public static void Main()


                        Persona p = new Person();

                        p.Name = “Sendhil”;

                        p.Age = 28;

                        Person anotherPerson;

                        anotherPerson = p;

                        anotherPerson.Age = 29;



Person is reference type. p and anotherPerson are references to the person instance. In this case both p and anotherPerson point to or refer to the same person instance on the heap.  Built-in types like string, delegate and user-defined types like classes, interfaces are examples of reference types. Reference types are always allocated on the Heap.


Common Mis-conception

There is always a misconception like value types are always allocated on the stack. This is not true. Value types cannot be allocated as distinct entities on the CLR heap never-the-less or however, value types can be allocated on the heap in the following circumstances:

  • An array of value types
  • A member variable on a reference type

A value type is allocated on the stack when it is a local variable (declared within a method).

What about a reference type which is a local variable. The reference (the object handle) is allocated on the stack whereas the actual object instance is allocated on the heap.


A weird scenario

What will be the case when a value type implements an interface? We all know that interface is a reference type. Suppose my struct implements an interface. How does this work? When you have a struct which implements an interface and you use the interface reference to call a method a box operation happens and the value type is boxed into a reference type and placed on the heap. (More on boxing and un-boxing later)


To summarize the differences:


Value Types

Reference Types

Directly store the value

A reference to the value is what you have.

Inherit directly or indirectly from System.ValueType

No such thing


Not sealed unless specified

No virtual dispatch, no abstract methods

Virtual dispatch and abstract method support

No default constructors

Default constructor support

Cannot be allocated as distinct entities on the heap

Always allocated on the heap

Can’t have finalizers

Can have finalizers

Can’t be assigned to null

Can be null



Also value types and reference types have a slight difference when passed as parameters. We will see that in a separate article. Also we’ll see boxing and un-boxing in a separate article.


A good write-up on the same topic:

Via Amit

Categories: .NET Framework


December 27, 2005 3 comments


Definition and Explanation of it

Delegates are often defined as Object Oriented Function Pointers. What the heck is this definition anyway? Let us dissect what each means. In a traditional procedural language like C, a function pointer is just a memory address where to begin execution. But when it comes to OO languages a memory address isn’t sufficient. Objects have both behavior as well as data. A function call doesn’t make sense unless we can associate it with the state of the object instance. In a procedural language all the state is passed as parameters. In an OO environment some of the state could be parameters, where as some could be instance state.

So to call a function in the OO world we need

  • the method address
  • the object instance handle or the this pointer

This is why a delegate is often referred to as an object oriented function pointer. Now you know what this definition really means.


Why do we need delegates?

A delegate is required for a call back or for an event handler. 


A call back is a case you provide someone with a function pointer / delegate and that someone calls you back. Assume you have cached some object (say it represents the configuration information stored in a file). Let us say the file changes and this object in cache is invalid. You need some way of reloading this object when this file changes. What you need to do is provide the framework with a function pointer / delegate and the framework will call you back when the file changes.


An event is a notification that occurs when something of concern happens. A good example of an event is a button click.


Event is sort of an anonymous broadcast in contrast to a callback which is a sort of handshake.



Still not clear, well assume you are the author of a button control. You need to call user code when the button is clicked. The user could name his method anything and this method could belong to any class. How does Microsoft know what I am going to name my class and method? A delegate encapsulates the things needed for making the call into an object. What are the things needed for making this call?

  • Your type details like class name, this pointer etc (_target variable)
  • Your method details like method signature, address etc (_methodPtr variable)

How is a delegate implemented?

(Internals, skip this if you want)

When we declare a delegate what we actually do is define a class.

public delegate void ClickEventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e);

results in the compiler generating a class like this:

public class ClickEventHandler : MultiCastDelegate


            // Constructor

         public ClickEventHandler(Object target, Int32 methodPtr);


        // Method with same prototype as specified by the source code

        public void virtual Invoke(object sender, EventArgs e);


       // Methods allowing the callback to be called asynchronously

       public virtual IAsyncResult BeginInvoke(

       object sender, EventArgs e, AsyncCallback callback, Object object);


       public virtual void EndInvoke(IAsyncResult result);



The actual implementations of the methods are synthesized by the runtime. The CLR-synthesized Invoke implementation for IA-32 is simply an eight-instruction shim that replaces the ‘this’ pointer in ‘ecx’ register with that of the target object reference. The shim then jmps directly to the target method address. After the jmp occurs, the target method begins execution as if it were invoked directly by the caller. In fact, because the caller’s return address is still on the stack, the target method will return directly to the caller, bypassing the delegate machinery altogether. The shim used by the Invoke method is capable of working generically because the signature of the target method is guaranteed to match that of the Invoke method exactly. All this makes delegate based invocation slightly costlier than normal method invocation.


The multicast delegate provides chaining capability to delegates. The multicast delegate class inherits from the Delegate class and adds the chaining feature to delegates. The compiler does the dirty work of translating the delegate wiring (creation) and the delegate call to a dispatch to the invoke method.


Other trivia

Delegate is immutable. The same scenario can be handled using interfaces too. Microsoft can define an interface and you class has to implement the interface. Once you implement the interface Microsoft can call your code using the interface. This is the approach java takes as there is no in-built language support for delegates.

Further Reading

An Introduction to Delegates – Jeffrey Richter

Delegates, Part 2 – Jeffrey Richter

Implementation of Events with Delegates – Jeffrey Richter

The Truth About Delegates, Microsoft Answer to Sun’s whitepater on Delegates

Hejlsberg’s interview on C# Delegates and Components

About Type-Safety of Delegates

Events vs Callbacks

Categories: .NET Framework

Agile Development Conference

December 27, 2005 Leave a comment
Categories: Great Links

Facade Pattern

December 22, 2005 2 comments

Façade Pattern


You need to simplify an otherwise comlex interface. For example a Client opens a “Database” object, get the “Model” object and queries it for the “Element” object.

The problem with this approach is client has dependency on Database, Model and the element objects. Also if you need to add one more client this needs to be repeated (open database, get model and query Element). So what is the solution?



Make a simple interface called DatabaseFacade which opens the database gets the model and queries for the element and returns it to the client. In this scenario the client is just coupled with DatabaseFacde and Element objects and no the others. Usual you see Remote Façades as you would like the Remote interface as simple as possible.


Check here for a better example:

Interpreter Pattern

December 22, 2005 2 comments

Interpreter Pattern

NB: The notes for this pattern is just included for completeness. This pattern again is not much used in Application Design. May be with the advent of DSLs this pattern could become popular again. I am planning to revisit this pattern at a later point in time and make it more readable for a non computer science guy like myself.


Given a language, define a representation for its grammar along with an interpreter that uses the representation to interpret sentences in the language. We’ll try to define a grammar for Roman numerals and interpret Roman numeral expressions.



The program using interpreter pattern can be modeled like this:

The Source Code

using System;

using System.Collections;


namespace Sendhil.Demos.Interpreter


            public class Program


                        public static void Main()


                                    string romanNumeral = "MCMXCIX";

                                    Context context = new Context(romanNumeral);


                                    // Build the parse tree

                                    ArrayList tree = new ArrayList();

                                    tree.Add(new Thousands());

                                    tree.Add(new Hundreds());

                                    tree.Add(new Tens());

                                    tree.Add(new Ones());


                                    // Interpret

                                    foreach (Expression exp in tree)





                                    Console.WriteLine(romanNumeral + " – " + context.Arabic.ToString());






            // Context –> Context Stores Global State


            public class Context


                        private string roman;

                        private int arabic;


                        public Context(string input)


                                    this.roman = input;



                        // Properties

                        public string Roman


                                    get{ return roman; }

                                    set{ roman = value; }



                        public int Arabic


                                    get{ return arabic; }

                                    set{ arabic = value; }




            // Expression –> AbstractExpression. This implements interpret here as there is no NonTerminal Expression in our grammar.


            public abstract class Expression


                        public void Interpret(Context context)


                                    if (context.Roman.Length == 0)



                                    if (context.Roman.StartsWith(Nine()))


                                                context.Arabic += (9 * Multiplier());

                                                context.Roman = context.Roman.Substring(2);


                                    else if (context.Roman.StartsWith(Four()))


                                                context.Arabic += (4 * Multiplier());

                                                context.Roman = context.Roman.Substring(2);


                                    else if (context.Roman.StartsWith(Five()))


                                                context.Arabic += (5 * Multiplier());

                                                context.Roman = context.Roman.Substring(1);



                                    while (context.Roman.StartsWith(One()))


                                                context.Arabic += (1 * Multiplier());

                                                context.Roman = context.Roman.Substring(1);




                        public abstract string One();

                        public abstract string Four();

                        public abstract string Five();

                        public abstract string Nine();

                        public abstract int Multiplier();



            // Thousand checks for the Roman Numeral M –> TerminalExpression


            public class Thousands : Expression


                        public override string One() { return "M"; }

                        public override string Four(){ return " "; }

                        public override string Five(){ return " "; }

                        public override string Nine(){ return " "; }

                        public override int Multiplier() { return 1000; }



            // Hundred checks C, CD, D or CM –> TerminalExpression


            public class Hundreds : Expression


                        public override string One() { return "C"; }

                        public override string Four(){ return "CD"; }

                        public override string Five(){ return "D"; }

                        public override string Nine(){ return "CM"; }

                        public override int Multiplier() { return 100; }



            // Ten checks for X, XL, L and XC –> TerminalExpression


            public class Tens : Expression


                        public override string One() { return "X"; }

                        public override string Four(){ return "XL"; }

                        public override string Five(){ return "L"; }

                        public override string Nine(){ return "XC"; }

                        public override int Multiplier() { return 10; }



            // One checks for I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VI, VII, VIII, IX –> TerminalExpression


            public class Ones : Expression


                        public override string One() { return "I"; }

                        public override string Four(){ return "IV"; }

                        public override string Five(){ return "V"; }

                        public override string Nine(){ return "IX"; }

                        public override int Multiplier() { return 1; }




The GoF class structure diagram is as shown below:


All this are difficult to understand if you do not follow Programming Language Theory J

Flyweight Pattern

December 21, 2005 1 comment

Flyweight Pattern


You have a large number of objects in the system and how to minimize the memory used by them.



Pool the objects and share them. An object pool is something like a flyweight. The .NET Framework string interning is an example of a Flyweight variation.  I cannot think of any practical example for a FlyWeight.

The GoF Class structure and the object diagrams are shown below:


Well this is not enough to understand the pattern, I know. But then this pattern is not a frequently used pattern in Application Design. It is mostly used in low level Systems. Here’s a cooked up example let us see if this one is good enough to understand the pattern.


Consider the case of a retail store. Let’s retail store wants to go the WalMart way and RFID enable the products they sell. Most of the current retail systems rely some kind of Product Codes, which are primarily some kind of bar-codes. These Universal Product Codes or UPCs (as we will call it from now) enable tracking of products at the category level. Meaning I can track that I have Men’s wear, Casuals, T-Shirt of Size XL and I have 20 of them. There’s no way to identify these 20 items individually. All 20 will have the same UPC and it is possible to track this at the UPC level only not at the individual item level.


With the advent RFID technology we can track individual items of a specific UPC / Product at the item level or we can track each of the 20 shirts. Why would a store a want to track at the individual item level and not at the product level? Well let me cook up a scenario again. Assume there is a RFID scanner at the exit door of the retail store which scans for items which are being taken out. Let us also say that this scan system compares this RFID codes with those that of the items sold today list maintained by the Point of Sale (PoS) system. If this code is not found in the PoS system then the theft alarm goes off.


Enough of story. Coming to the domain model of such a system, a store can sell 1000s of some items like processed food etc. All items will have most of the state as same, say a product has the following attributes

BusinessUnit – Mens Wear

Department – Casuals

Stroke – T-Shirt

Size – XL

Colour – Blue

UPC – 78912345

Name – “Polo Neck T-Shirt”

Manufacturer – Nike


All these attributes are going to be same for the 100 T-Shirts we have in the store. The only different attribute for each T-Shirt is the RFID code, which is different for each of the individual T-Shirts. Now in a Retail Store the items could be in various locations, each of this location is logically called a Stockpot. Examples of Stockpot include Free (Sale Floor Stuff), Soiled & Damaged, Washing and Ironing, Display, Sold etc. Each stockpot has a collection the product items it has physically. Say, the customer picks the stuff from Free Stock and sales clerk checks it out at the PoS system. The item has to be removed from the Free Stockpot to the SoldItems Stockpot. Let’s say we mark in a database (which is available to the Theft alarm system) that this specific Item with RFID code blah blah blah is sold.


This is where the flyweight pattern helps. Since objects (100 T-Shirts) have similar attributes we create it using a FlyWeight factory and share them. Wait a minute the attributes are similar not the same. What about the RFID code? Well that’s what the extrinsic state is all about. The rest of the attributes which remain the same is what is we can call as intrinsic state. Lets say the store also sells some paintings (modern art). It is very unlikely that the store has many items of the same painting. Each painting is an unique product. There is no point in sharing this object with the client. Ah we have a these unique products falling into the category of a UnSharedConcrete flyweight. The generic products which we discussed before (the T-Shirt or any other which you can have multiple items) fall into the category of ConcreteSharedFlyWeights.


So much of dry text, now let’s see how this model looks

Another example could be that of an OR Mapper, which puts objects in an Identity Map. Meaning suppose we are loading a collection of order objects and each order object has line item objects which inturn contain product objects. The product objects are pretty much static and don’t vary from order to order. So this objects instead loading another copy of them, the OR Mapper could load and store these objects based on their identity (ProductID) into a hash table and hand over a reference to each of the order line item objects instead of having a new copy for each order. But then you don’t have the concept of intrinsic state and extrinsic state here. Better examples are welcome.