
Archive for July, 2012

A quotable gem–Serenity Prayer

July 31, 2012 Leave a comment

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.

Memorize it, Frame it, Keep seeing it every hour of the day, Dream it when you sleep.


Found via Swami Paramarthanandaji’s Introduction to Vedanta lectures, via geetham.

Why are software development task estimations regularly off by a factor of 2-3?

July 2, 2012 Leave a comment

Developers are often asked to do something which has never been done before, and tell someone else how long it will take before they even know what actually needs to be done.

A slightly modified quote from a quora answer to the question Why are software development task estimations regularly off by a factor of 2-3?.

The question’s answer wiki is an excellent source of insight and so are a few answers.